Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Royals

Aaaaaa The Royals
This one here is my favourite. Not because of the actor or actresses in it but because the story shows that royalty is also human, they make mistakes too, they are also the same like the rest of us normal bloods. The only difference is that they have tittle and with that comes a certain responsibility and awesome perks that only the them the royals will get. 
Tapi tu lah they are also human. Despite all the wealth they have, duit jenis makan tak habis and its always flowing and it's getting more and more each time, they too have depression, marital problems, children problem, all sorts of other problems. 
It's just that I do not like it when the children disrespect their mother and elderly. Kadang itulah bagus jugak sometimes cara Asian didik anak. If you give too much to a child, or if you give too much freedom of speech budak budak ni can pijak kepala you. Too much of everything is never good kan. Apa pun respect is everything. But in this drama series, clearly budak budak tu macam not be given enough attention. They are like rebellious, attention seekers and such. Well, life is not easy kan. What to do. Hmmmp. 
I hope my kids will not be rude to me when they grow up one day. I am trying my level best to give them all the attention that I could. Hopefully one day, Well, one can only hope. 

Peace no war!!!

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